“Hello, I’m Dr Hen! I grew up with a parent who has type 1 diabetes and seeing how little others understood the condition, and the stigma this created, encouraged me to become a doctor. I’ve been working at the Hen.World Medical Center for over ten years now, specializing in emergency care. It’s a demanding job and I internalize a lot of my stress- and this triggers my acid reflux and an annoying cough. In my spare time, I like to draw. It helps me relax.”
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“I’m Dr Henber– the first Hen in my family to go to university, and also the first doctor! I worked really hard to get there, but things seemed bleak for a while when I got diagnosed with breast cancer while in med school. It was tough balancing school and treatment, but focusing on my future helped me get through. I’m grateful for the support of my great friends – Hendrew and Henrique. I’m in complete remission now. Outside of work, I jog and also play basketball.”
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“I’m Dr Henrion! With so many hens putting off starting a family – and the rise of HPV – the waitlist at my office is long. Having dedicated the last 18 years to this field, my success rate is quite high at helping couples achieve parenthood. That being said, keeping a work-life balance can be difficult – especially with my brilliant Henbert whose vast interests keep me busy. Got to run. We’re going to the symphony tonight.”
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“Hi, I’m Dr Henzelle! You might be familiar with my name if you’ve attended one of my Hen Talks or guest lectures at Henvard University! I received my PhD there and went on to earn my license as a clinical psychologist. You can find me at times at the Hen.World Medical Center, but I’m mostly in private practice out of my home. A diving accident left me paralyzed from the waist down, but that has not stopped me from being a productive and active member of the medical team.”
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“Hey, I’m Dr Hendrew! Dentist by profession and currently training for the upcoming Ironhen triathlon. When I’m not performing dental procedures, you can usually find me at the Health Club. I was born HIV-positive. And I’ve kept it a secret for most of my life. As long as I keep taking my medications, there’s no risk of infecting anyone. Don’t tell Henrique, but even today, workouts with that Hen still make my heart flutter. How can anyone be that hensome? ❤️”
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“I’m Dr Henita and I joined the Hen.World Medical Center as a neurologist. I was drawn into the world of medicine at an early age, with both parents in the field. When I was 10, I was diagnosed with epilepsy. The anti-epileptic medicine worked, but I still experience the occasional episode. I love music and I love dancing, though I need to be careful of flashing lights -especially at music festivals!”
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“Hello, I’m Dr DHenush, the new resident at Hen.World Medical Center. Coming from a broken family, and with a condition that made me the giant of the class (a trait of Marfan), I was the recipient of a fair share of bullying. That being said, I have a soft spot for the most vulnerable in society and that led me to this profession. Outside of the hospital, I enjoy basketball and yoga.”
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“I’m Nurse Henia, and I work in the ER. Dr Hen is constantly reminding me that I push myself too hard, and I know my love, Henton, worries about this too. I’m concerned about my child Hendel as I’m often not at home. I’ve not felt like myself since contracting a mild case of COVID a while back. The fuzziness in my head makes it so difficult to concentrate… and I’m just so tired all the time.”
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“Hey there, I’m Nurse Henton! I know, I’m much taller than the other Hens. That’s probably because I have Marfan Syndrome. I’m the oldest of ten children. My parents separated when we were young, and I’ve been taking care of my siblings ever since. It just seemed like a natural extension of my upbringing to be a nurse. My job places me in various parts of the hospital, and that’s where I met Henia – the love of my life. Along with Hendel, we’re now a family of three, and I’m hoping for more to come. I’m one happy Hen!”
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“Hi, I’m Hendel! Sorry, I’ve been running around with my friends– need to use my inhaler. There… that’s better. My asthma is a real pain since I’m a sportshen. Both my parents are nurses and work super long hours so I’m alone a lot. I just wish that when we’re together… they would stop telling me to wear dresses or behave in a certain way.”
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“Hey there, I’m Henk! I’m a businesshen and I travel a lot to meet with overseas clients. It was during one of those trips that I caught COVID – probably at the airport. My symptoms were mild and within a couple of weeks I was back at work. But then one night, I woke up with a racing heart rate of 156! And I also started to have muscle spasms at night. Dr Hen suspects it could be long COVID. It took over a year for things to improve, but there are still lingering symptoms…”
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“My name is Henriette. Henk and I met in university. After a long courtship, we finally got married. We’ve been together for ten years and have two adorable kids, Hendrik and Henji. Though my days are filled with lunches with friends and charity dinners, I spend a lot of time taking care of my children and watching over Grhen who lives with us. They need so much of my attention. And Henk hasn’t been well! The stress of looking after them is taking its toll on me. Oh, it’s so difficult to lose weight!”
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“Hi, I’m Hendrik!. Wanna join me and my friends for a game of football? Hockey? Basketball? I really like school – well, not the actual classes, just fun stuff like gym. The classes and the teachers are boring. My parents say that I have to spend more time studying. Why do I need to do that? I’m good at this stuff already. I mean, I spend way less time on my homework than my classmates and I still do well enough on tests. Really! When I grow up, I want to be a professional football player unless I am an Astronaut!”
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Good day! I’m Henifa, and I have been working for the family for so many years – Henry and Henk, they are practically like my own! It’s not all sunshine, of course. The work can be a bit hard on my back, and Grhen can be difficult to look after. There was a moment when I did think about finding work somewhere else. But how could I leave this family? They need me so much! Excuse me, I have to get back to it… yes Grhen, I’m here!
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“Hello, you can call me Grhen. Oh dear, at least I think that is my name. You see I’m a bit forgetful. Are you hungry? Come to my kitchen and let me cook for you. I live in our family home with Henk, Henriette, Hendrik, Henji – and Henifa who looks after me.
My older child, Henry, moved half way around the world after marrying that foreigner – at least their beautiful teenager will visit us soon. Family is important to me, after Henry Sr. passed on, I’ve come to rely on my kids and my helper. But..shhhh… don’t tell them this.”
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Aloha! Hennessey here, enjoying life on the golf course. I’m out there three times a week, which has helped lessen the stiffness in my legs. I left all of the stress and worries of running the family business to the next generation – let them have all of the headaches! Finally settled now in a retirement community in Henwaii, it doesn’t feel so far away as I try to visit with everyone at home often. I’m glad that Grhen and the kids are still living in the old family place. Whenever I visit, we always reminisce about our youth when we lived there with our parents. But honestly, I’m really enjoying my new surroundings and meeting all sorts of new Hens. I’m having the time of my life!
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Give me a second, I have to take this call. Ok, where were we? I’m Henry. I’m the eldest child of Grhen, but I decided to find my fortune elsewhere. I went off to Henris, the biggest metropolis in the world, and struck gold – I met Henouk, the hen everyone wanted but who married me! I know what I want, and I go for it. I worked my beak off my entire life – that’s why I have what I have. And what do I have? Everything – a great life, the biggest house, the perfect spouse, a gorgeous kid, I really have it all. Excuse me, I have to visit the washroom again…
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I don’t have time for this, so I’ll be quick. I’m Henouk, a very important fashion designer in Henris (which everyone knows is le fashion capital of Hen.World). I met mon amour Henry here years ago, and together our life is perfect. I always knew I’d be at the top – and the view here suits me just fine.
But I’m missing our little one, Henaux – Henry insisted that Henris was a bad place for youngsters, and sent our baby to the other end of the globe, to live with the in-laws. Imagine that! Such an unsophisticated place! I hope Henaux doesn’t lose that je ne sais quoi– I’m starting to get messages about food this and food that, and I don’t like it one bit!
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“Bonjour! I’m Henaux. My parents sent me halfway across the world to attend university here and live with the extended family. At first, I missed all the parties and glamour of Henris… but then I met sweet, dreamy Hentono. It can be tough living with a heart condition, but a good selfie can mask all the negativity, right? (winks).”
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I’m Henaru. I’m originally from the east, but I found my way to Henville a few years ago – the work culture here suits me so much better.
As the CEO of an international company, work keeps me very busy, but I’ve been able to make a few good friends, such as Henriette – our children go to the same school. We often do our weekend grocery shopping together, even though that Hen constantly laughs at my habit of reading food labels. You really can’t be too careful when you are lactose intolerant.
Sometimes the others tell me that I’m pushy with my children, but I’ve always been an advocate of strong discipline. I worked hard to get to where I am now – and if they’re anything like me, I expect they’ll be able to do the same, too!
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Oh hi- excuse me- I can’t speak much as my children, Henoko and Henili are just arriving. I’m Henderson. My parents were always working when I was young, so I just want to spend a lot of time with my kids so they have what I never had.
Honestly, I don’t mind being a stay-at-home parent, I don’t miss that old architect at all! My spouse and I met through friends. Henaru is wonderful but always working. Being married to a careerHen sure has its ups and downs but having some alone time with one another at the end of the day really helps.
Everyone calls me a helicopter parent, but I have to be- they both need constant care. When I was a child, I had some health problems but now I just have to watch my vitamin D. Nice talking to you- gotta go!
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Hewwo, my name is Heniwi! I wove to giggle and be siwy. I’m so happy to be starting school, I can’t wait to pway and have fun with the udder kids! My pawents say I’m very special – I wuve them so much! They say that I have to work harder than others. But I don’t mind. I can be anyting I want if I put my mind to it!
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I’m Henoko, and I’m not having a great day. Today, I woke up with a high sugar number and it has been like that the whole day. Nothing I do makes it better. I even skipped out on my favorite dessert – cake! I had to tell everyone at school that I just don’t like chocolate. Adults help me check my sugar but I’m getting smarter so one day, I will do it on my own. I hate when everyone stares. I just want to fit in.
Figuring out how much insulin I need is a lot like doing math. That means I’m getting really good with numbers. But I don’t want to complain – my teachers and parents have enough to worry about. I am so happy that I have my Henili who tries to help despite being younger.
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“Welcome to Hen.World Medical Center, my name is Henda, and I am the chair of the hospital board of directors. We are a full-service center with 200 beds. I’ve been in my current role for a year. I’m a single parent, with two elementary school age kids. Pardon me, I need to go freshen up.”
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I’m Hentessa. Don’t you like my new designer dress? My parents are divorced- and if I don’t get what I want from one of them, I can always get it from the other. Their other child, Hend, is such an embarrassment to all of us. I don’t even want to see that stinky Hen in my school. Oh, by the way, did you see the way Henoko dresses- so childish! Maybe diabetes also affects eyesight because that Hen’s always correcting my spelling. Everyone has a problem with the ‘b’s and ‘d’s! I just need to make sure it doesn’t affect my grades. Sssshh- here comes our teacher, Henni! I need to concentrate.
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I’m really upset. My parents told me that they don’t love each other anymore and are getting a divorce. Is this my fault? I know that they get upset with me, like that time when I fell into that pool. Thankfully, I was rescued by the lifeguard, but I don’t like to be near water anymore. I don’t like to touch it at all. So what if I’m not neat? Plenty of others are like this. I’m tired of everyone always pushing me to change. But maybe if I fix this, my parents will love each other again. By the way, I’m Hend.
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I’m Henni, a teacher at Hen.World Elementary School- I just adore my kids. Unfortunately, I have none of my own – I’m still searching for that perfect mate! I’m a romantic sort so I want someone who will sweep me off my feet. I guess I’m a dreamer. Working out is another passion of mine. As soon as the school day is over, I run down to the gym and work on this body. I can NOT miss a day of my workout routine – there are some major cuties in the gym in the evening hours, but somehow I always end up going for the wrong type.
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I don’t speak much so I’ll let Hensley tell you my story.
“I remember when Henning was born – such a beautiful baby but the signs were there early on – never looking you in the eye, not responding when you say Henning, the constant rocking especially when experiencing change. It’s the dedication of our parents and the work of a great support team that has helped. They are no longer with us, and it’s taken time and much adjustment but Henning is now living in an assisted community and working! How proud our parents would be!”
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Let me introduce myself, I’m Hensley. I know how to throw the most fantastic parties- that is why all of the “in” hens know to hire me- everyone who is anyone comes to my fetes. If you want to know where is the hippest place to be seen, just call me! I work hard but I know how to also have a lot of fun! I do, though, have to watch myself in the sun. I used to spend too much time in the tanning booth. Make sure you take care of your skin!
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40-LOVE! Aaaaaaaaand game! ???? Hey, I’m Henox! Though I had to retire from Federation playing, you can still find me on the courts! I got a dream job as director of the Hennis Racket Club.
My competitive career was cut short by the migraines that I suffer from. Certain times of the month, I can’t even get out of bed! Chocolate, strenuous exercise and flickering screens are my triggers. Oops, gotta run! C’mon, who’s next? Let’s go to center court!

Hola, my name is Henrique and I am a personal trainer at the Hen.World Wellness Center. You like the way I look? Well it’s from mucho exercise – I work you hard and after our session, you will feel soo good. My muscles, they are perfecto – no? I’m going out later with Hendrew for la pizza – I hope it’s gluten-free.
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Ever met an endometriosis warrior? My name’s Henelope, a senior at Henvard U. The university’s financial aid program certainly helps pay for my tuition fees and some of my living expenses- but bartending helps me afford the rest. I’ve always had to fend for myself – with parents in and out of rehab. Currently living off campus with a group of fun students including Hentono. That Hen is super popular, but I’m totally digging the newest admirer – Henaux! What a cutie!
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“Yo, it’s Hentono! How did you like that set? I’m totally planning to break the Hen-ternet. Check out “The Hentles”- our songs are LIT! ???? You’ve got to really turn up the volume to enjoy music. After school, I’m always hanging with my new bae, Henaux. But if this doesn’t last, there are so many others. On to the next set- cya!”
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“Lentinula edodes, pleurotus ostreatus, pleurotus eryngii- what, you don’t know the scientific names of my favorite food- mushrooms? That is strange. Hi. My name is Henbert and yes, I look like someone familiar. Of course it is genetically probable as I’m Dr Hen’s nibling. I’m told that I get fixated on ideas- like memorizing the entire Hencyclopedia when I was 4. Books are great, but please don’t touch me- it makes me really uncomfortable. Gotta run, I’m hypothesizing on the dynamics needed to start a personal mushroom farm!”
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“Hi, I’m Hence! That’s not my birth name, but it’s what I want to be called. Even as a young Hen, I’ve had so many days where I just feel so small inside, living by an identity I just want to get rid of. Pretending to be who I’m not absolutely crushes me inside. The disconnect with my own body only got more intense with age. My high school years were a period of isolation, loneliness and despair. But that all changed when I met my housemates, Hentono and Henelope. For the first time in my life, there is no judgement. With them, I’ve found genuine friendship and acceptance.”
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